

Collectivism: well, sorry ... but, I don't see any true collective that fails because of too much "togetherness". The failures of collectivism are usually because of an INDIVIDUAL (or several depending upon the size of the collection) who begins to ....

Wichita Antique Toy & Doll Buying Show Aug. 30-Sept. 1 WE ARE BUYING ANTIQUES TOYS, DOLLS -- Pre-1980! Bring your childhood toys from the 1980s and earlier and receive cash for them at the Wichita Antique Toy & Doll Buying Show Aug. 30-Sep ....

God abandoned the United States because of the greed associated with the individualistic ideology. God said you get what you sow and left us with Trump. Individualistic ideology is far from the will of God and once this country understands this, mayb ....

Hello as stated I'm looking for other bargain hunters like myself. My dilemma is I don't have a vehicle at the moment so it's been very difficult for me to go garage saling this summer and I love to tag along or catch a ride or somebody who's going g ....